Recent News
Cashew Day celebration
The ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research (ICAR-DCR), Puttur, successfully organized its Annual Cashew Day on 11th March, 2025, bringing together key stakeholders from the cashew industry and research community. A major highlight of the event was the announcement of a cutting-edge cashew apple and nut separation technology developed through a collaboration Read More…
Training and Input Distribution
Training and Input Distribution Program for the Promotion of Horticulture-Based Integrated Farming System. The ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur in collaboration with the UHS-Horticulture Extension Education Unit, Regional Horticulture Research, and Extension Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka organized a training program on the Promotion of Horticulture-Based Read More…
SCSP Training Program
Training program on Horticulture-based Integrated Farming System (Sub-tropical and Temperate fruit crops) under SCSP Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur, Karnataka, Horticultural and Forestry Research Station, TNAU, Kodaikanal jointly organized a day training program on Horticulture based Integrated Farming System  Read More…