Apart from above mentioned pests, there are many minor pests also infest cashew but at very low intensity in scattered locations. In general, damage caused by these insects is less and natural enemies take care of them under field conditions. Hence, management actions are not required against them..
Hemipteran pests
- Hoppers (Leptocentrus, Amrasca biguttula, Neodartus sp., Cicadella ioscatia),
- Gundhi bugs (Leptocorisa acuta),
- Pyrrhocorid bugs (Dysdercus cingulatus),
- Scale insects (Ceroplastes rubens Maskell, Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock, Lecanium latioperculatum Green),
- Mirid bugs (Campylomma),
- Coreid bugs (Cletus rubridiventris West, Pseudotheraptus wayi Brown),
- Pentatomid bugs (Nezara viridula, Plautia crossata (Dallas), Dalpoda , Erthesina fullo, Catacanthus incarnates Dru. Chrysocoris purpurea).
Hemipteran minor pests: Cicadellid bug, pentatomid (Nazera viridula) and cowbugs
- Leaf and shoot beetles (Microserica guardrinotata Moser, Coenobius, Nodina aeneicollis Jacoby, Hoplosoma abdominalis, Lypesthes sp., Hyperaxis albostirata Mots., Pagria costatipennis, Basilepta flavicorne Jac.),
- Blister beetles (Zonabris pustulata Thompson, Mylabris pustulata),
- Cerambycid beetles (Analeptes trifasciata, Coptops aedificator F., Paranaleptes reticulate Thomson, Prionoma atratum G, Stenias grisator, Xystocera globose Oliver,)
- Bostrichid beetles (Xylothrips flavipes Illiger, Sinoxylon atratum Legne),
- Jewel beetles (Belinota prasina Thunberg, Lampetis fastuosa),
- Melolonthid beetles (Holotrichia serrata, H. consanguinea),
- Scolytid beetle (Xyleborus perforans),
- Weevils (Myllocerus, Peltotrachelus spp., Amblyrrhinus poricollis, Apion amplum, Apoderus tranquebaricus, Deporaus marginatus
Coleopteran minor pests: Myllocerus weevil, Amblyrhinusporicollis damaging a shoot, Popillia sp. feeding on flowers and a chrysomelid leaf beetle
- Bag worms (Clania, Dappula tertia, Eumeta sp.),
- Leaf cutting caterpillars,
- Leaf feeding caterpillars (Euproctis, Diacrisia obliquea, Sylepta spp., Dichocrocis punctiferalis, Argyroploce tonsoria, Latoia lepida),
- Midrib borer (Palumbina glaucitis) etc also occur in a scattered manner and feed on the leaves.
Lepidopteran minor pests: bag worm (Claniasp.) and unidentified caterpillars, Parasa lepida
While, orthopteran pests include grasshoppers (Chrotogonus sp., Aularches miliaris, Conocephalus indicus, Holochlora sp.) and katydids.
Besides, termites (Odontotermes spp, Microtermes spp.,) form a series of narrow galaries on cashew trunks and branches. Some galleries lead to injured or cut forks of branches and hollows in stems of old trees, they also feed on bark.
Top: A short horned grass hopper and damage of termites on trunk, Bottom: Conocephalus sp., and infestation of Drosophila flies on cashew apples
Management measures for minor pests
- These minor pests are not serious pest at present as the damage caused by them is not serious. Removal and destruction of infested plant parts along with pest stages help to minimize their infestation and spread.
- There are several predators like various species of spiders, syrphids, coccinellids, lace wing bugs, anthocorid bugs, reduviids, praying mantids, mantispid flies, predatory pentatomid bugs etc manage these minor pests to a greater extent. Besides, insect species specific parasitoids are also present in nature which also helps in minimizing population of several minor pests.
- To manage bark eating caterpillar, removal of galleries plastered on tree trunk or pouring of kerosene during early stage of infestation is suggested. Application of quinolphos (2 ml/lit) or dichlorvos (2 ml/lit) either by injection or by inserting insecticide soaked cotton swab can also be followed.