Step 1: Identification of Technologies with potential of commercialization: The technologies developed by scientists working on different aspects of cashew production and processing at ICAR DCR, Puttur through research projects are presented in the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and Institute Research Council (IRC) meetings of the Institute. Among the presented technologies, the ones suitable for commercialization are identified by the ITMU and inventor is informed to submit the Technology Disclosure Form (TDF) to ITMU.

Step 2: Technology Disclosure: Inventors submit the TDF form giving detailed information about technology including protocol, cost of the technology, suitability for parenting, business plan etc.

Step 3: Assessment and recognition (ITMU& ITMC): ITMU does the prior art search about the technology details for duplication or availability of similar products and potential market etc. After the prior art search, the TDF is put before the ITMC for assessment and recognition of technology. If the technology is found suitable for commercialization, the ITMC recognizes the technology for commercialization or return the TDF if further improvements are required or reject if it cannot be commercialized.

Step 4: Identifying potential licensees and licensing:  ITMC and inventors decide about the licensing terms. The ITMU unit identifies and invites the potential licensees and showcases the technologies with the help of the inventors. Upon acceptance of technologies by the potential licensees a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is signed between the licensee and Institute.

Step 5: Licensing:
After MoU, details and demonstration of the technology will be given to licensee. License terminates after a specified time and the technology can be relicensed.

Types of Licensing :

1. Exclusive licensing: License is given to only one individual or firm
2. Non-exclusive licensing: License is given to more than one firm

Non-exclusive licensing is preferred in ICAR technology commercialization

Licensing mainly involves :
1. Plant material- Provide grafts for establishing mother blocks in the nurseries
2.Food products-Provide the detailed protocol and demonstration of the technology
3. Machineries – Provide the engineering drawings and demonstrate working of the Machine

Duration of licensing: 3-10 years depending on the nature of the technologies
Licensing fees: Please contact In charge ITMU, ICAR-DCR, Puttur

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