ICAR has institutionalized a three-tier Intellectual Property(IP) management mechanism and framed guidelines for managing IPs and commercialization of technologies developed by the research institutes of ICAR. The intellectual Property and technology Management (IP&TM) Unit is at the helm of the three-tier system which manages all the matters related to intellectual properties and technology commercialization. At the institute level, Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU) acts as a facilitating and supporting unit. Further to support the ITMU in recognition of technologies for commercialization and IP management an Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC) is constituted at each institute. Between the IPTM and ITMU, a middle-tier Zonal Technology Management (ZTM) unit consisting of 10 subject specific ITMU units is instituted to support the ITMU units.

At ICAR-DCR, ITMU shoulders the responsibility of managing the IP portfolios of the institute viz., patents, copyrights, Trademark, Varietal registration etc and  commercialization of technologies developed by ICAR-DCR, Puttur.  ITMU also organizes IP awareness programmes for the scientists, farmers and students.

  •           To manage the IP portfolios of the institute: Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks and Varietal Registration etc.
  •           To identify and commercialize technologies developed in the institute with potential for commercialisation.
  •          To organize IP awareness programmes for the staff, farmers and students etc.

Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU), at ICAR-DCR, Puttur is designated for all IP Protection, Management and Commercialization of technologies in the Institute. ITMU facilitate direct access to the prospective entrepreneurs to the Institute Technologies/resources and render services in the areas of,

  1. IPR Management

  2. Technology Licensing

  3. Developing Public-Private Partnership (MOU/MOA)

  4. Organizing Industry-Institute Meet

  5. Training/Seminars/Capacity Building Programmes

Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC)

Dr. J. Dinakara Adiga, Director


Dr. Elain Apshara, Principal Scientist (Hort.), CPCRI(RS), Vittal

Ext. Member

Dr. Mohana G.S., Principal Scientist (Gen. &Cytogen.)


Dr. Vanitha K, Senior Scientist (Agril Entomology)


Dr. Veena G.L, Scientist (Fruit Science)


Dr. Manjunatha K, Scientist (Farm Mach. & Power) &



Dr. Siddanna Savadi, Scientist (Biotechnology) &


Member Secretary

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