About the software

The DCR- Cashew Drip/Fertigation Calculator software has been developed by ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur with funding support of RKVY-RAFTAAR, Government of Karnataka and is designed to aid the growers to find out the water to be supplied through drip irrigation and to calculate the fertilizer to be used while fertigation.

This calculator is to provide a general idea about the initial requirements. It is to mention that for yielding trees irrigation should commence only after flowering. After installing the system, the user has to make field adjustments after making several test runs. Large wet spots are not expected in drip irrigation. First, run the system as per the schedule calculated, and then shut it off. Wait for the same time as the system was run, then dig below a dripper and around a plant and observe the wetting area and dry spots. Make adjustments by placing the dripper or adding another dripper or adjusting the run time. Also observe the plant growth habits in the field and make adjustments in water volume and watering time if required.

Too high or low water pressure: In case of too high water pressure fitting may drop off and the drippers may squirt water. The high pressure can be adjusted with help of pressure regulators. In case of low pressure system, the water flow will be inadequate and inconsistent. Special arrangements such as overhead tanks may be required to solve the problem or high capacity pumps.

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