This is a selection from the germplasm (Ansur-1) collected from Ansur village in Vengurla Tehsil of Maharashtra. This was released in the year 1974. The average percentage of perfect flowers is about 8%. The average yield is 19 kg/tree. The nut weight is 6.2g with the shelling percentage of 31. It is early flowering variety. Colour of the apple is yellow. Kernel grade is W 240.

This variety was released in the year 1979. It is a selection from germplasm collected from West Bengal (WBDC VI : Vengurla 37/3). This selection has average perfect flower percentage of 8% and also has short flowering and fruiting phase. The average yield is about 24 kg/tree (in 20th year of age). But the nuts are small with 4.3g nut weight and shelling percentage of 32. Colour of apple is pinkish red. Kernel grade is W 320. This variety is withdrawn from recommendation for cultivation.

This is a hybrid developed from the cross Ansur-1 x Vetore 56 and was released in 1981. The percentage of perfect flowers is 25% with an average fruit set of 7%. Average yield is 14.4 kg/tree. This is a bold nut variety with the nut weight of 9.1g and shelling percentage of 27. Kernel grade is W210 (export grade). This hybrid is withdrawn from recommendation for cultivation.

This is a hybrid variety with the parentage of Midnapore Red x Vetore 56 and was also released in 1981. It is a cluster bearing type and with percentage of perfect flowers of 35 and fruit set of 6%. The yield of nuts is 17.2 kg/tree. The nut weight is 7.7g and shelling percentage is 31. The colour of the apple is red. Kernel grade is 210 (export grade).

This variety is a hybrid having the parentage of Ansur Early x Mysore Kotekar 1/61. This variety was released in 1984. Very high perfect flower percentage of 50.5% was recorded in this variety. But the fruit set is only around 3.3%. The average yield is 16.6 kg/tree. The nut size is small with 4.5 g nut weight. The shelling percentage is 30. This variety produces small golden yellow coloured apples. Kernel grade is W 400. This variety is withdrawn from recommendation for cultivation.

It is a hybrid of cross combination Vetore 56 x Ansur – 1 and released in the year 1991. The variety has average yield of 13.8 kg/tree with nut weight of 8g. The kernel grade is W 210. This variety is popular among farmers.

Hybrid 255 evolved at Regional Fruit Research Station, Vengurla under Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli was recommended for release under the name “Vengurla-7” in the XIII Biennial Workshop of AICRP on Cashew held in November 1997. Vengurla-7 is a hybrid developed from the cross Vengurla-3 x M 10/4 (VRI-1). The percentage of perfect flowers is very high (40%). Average yield is 18.5 kg/tree. It is a bold nut type with nut weight of 10g and shelling percentage of 30.5. Kernel grade is W 180. The colour of apple is yellow with apple weight of 60g and with juice content of 75 per cent. Average weight of kernel is 2.9g. This variety is recommended for the Konkan region of Maharashtra and adjoining cashew growing regions of Goa and Karnataka.

It is a hybrid released in 2001 and yields 15-20 kg /tree. It has bold nuts with 86 nuts / kg. it is red apple variety with juice recovery is 85%.