It is a selection from seedling progeny of Tree No. 39 of Bapatla. The variety was released in 1987. The flowering season is from November to January. The mean yield is 13.8 kg/tree. The nuts are medium sized with 6.2g nut weight. Shelling percentage is 26.8. The kernel weight is 1.6g and kernel quality conforms to W 280. Apple colour is yellow with a weight of 52g. Reducing sugar content is 10.5%.

This is a selection from germplasm collection made from Neduvellur in Kerala maintained at CRS, Anakkayam. This variety was also released in 1987. The mean yield is 17 kg/tree. The nuts are bold (7.3 g nut weight) with shelling percentage of 26.2%. Kernel weight is 2g having a count of W 240 export grade. Apple colour is red and with weight of apple 63.3g. Reducing sugar content is 7.8%.

It is a hybrid of cross BLA 139-1 X H 3 – 13 released in 1993 from CRS, Madakkathara. It is an early variety. Average yield is 19 kg/tree with a mean nut weight of 6.8g. Shelling percentage is 31%. Kernel weight is 2.1g and quality of kernels conform to W 210 export grade. Colour of apple is yellow.

It is a hybrid of cross ALGD-1 X K 30-1 released from CRS, Madakkathara in 1993. It has cluster bearing habit. The mean yield is 17.5 kg/tree with a shelling percentage of 28. Kernel weight is 2.2g conforming to export grade of W 210. Yellow is the apple colour.

This is a hybrid with parentage of BLA 139-1 X K 30-1 with jumbo nut size developed and released from CRS, Madakkathara in 1995. The yield of nuts is 16.9 kg/tree. The nut weight is 10.8g with kernel weight of 2.87g. Shelling percentage is 26.5. The export grade of kernels conforms to W 180. Colour of apple is yellowish red. Apple weight is 135g. Apple has 57.4% of juice.

This is a hybrid with parentage of BLA 139-1 x H 3-13 developed and released from CRS, Madakkathara in 1999. It has yield potential of 18.4 Kg/tree with nut weight of 7.2 g. Shelling percentage is 31.6 and with kernel weight of 2.2 g and kernel grade W 210. Colour of apple is yellow and apple weight is 76.0 g. Apple has 57.4% juice content. It is recommended to the state of Kerala.

It is selection released in 1996 with compact canopy and intensive branching. It is bold nut type with 9.8 g nut weight. The tree yields 21.9 kg of nuts with high shelling percentage (29.4%). The kernel weight is 2.88 g and grade is W 210. It bears light orange apples.

This is a selection from the seedling progeny of Tree No 139 of germplasm collection of Agricultural College, Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh. The variety was released in the year 1985. The variety has a short flowering duration. The yield is 12 kg/tree. The nut weight is 6g and shelling percentage is 28. Colour of apple is pink. Average apple weight is 67.5g. Reducing sugar content is 10%. Kernel grade is W 280.

It is hybrid released during 1996 with a parentage of T 30 X Brazil-18. It has yield potential of 15.0 kg / tree with nut weight of 7.8 g. Shelling percentage is 30.5. The kernel weight is 2.4 g and grade is W 240. It bears yellowish pink apples.

It is hybrid released during 1998 with a parentage of H-4-7 X K -30-1. It has yield potential of 11.0 kg / tree with nut weight of 11.0 g. Shelling percentage is 28.4. The kernel weight is 3.12 g and grade is W 180. It bears yellow apples.

It is hybrid released during 1998 with a parentage of T 20 X K -30-1. It has yield potential of 13.7 kg / tree with nut weight of 10.0 g. Shelling percentage is 29.0. The kernel weight is 2.9 g and grade is W 180. It bears orange red apples.